Sunday, May 10, 2009


I really thought I should get Alex's existing words down on paper before I forget.
Dada (double meaning of dad and anyone he sees in a photograph)
Ba (ball)
Boo (peek a boo)
Nana (pacifier)
ech (leche/milk)
agua (water)
woo woo (dog)
acha (gracias)
na (no)
gol (goal)
dye (bye)

I'll have to add others as they come to mind. They grow up so fast!
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My first gig!

Okay, so it's been a while, but I needed to post this...In March we had a "Chili Jubilee" event at church and that is where I made my debut! Well, sort of. I sang "All Consuming Fire" by Jennifer Knapp and as you can see accompanied myself on the guitar. That was nerve-wrecking. Let's just say I usually only play guitar for myself. All in all though, it was a decent performance. I'll post this on you-tube at some point.
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