Thursday, September 18, 2008


Keith and I have been trying to get out together once a week for a date night. We never really had a date night before Alex because really, every day was "date" night without a kid. So last night we went bowling together at Brunswick Zone down the street from us. I had never been there and I was amazed at what a cool place it is. We bowled 2 games and then ended up hanging around for an hour or so because there was so much going on there. Shout-out to my hubby-he bowled 143 his second game! Pretty, pretty good...We hung around and watched some of the league bowlers and man, those people are good. I was amazed at how good some of the women were! I've always bowled with amateurs and in my experience breaking 100 is great "for a girl." That's always my goal at least. So after that we wandered over to the bar and grill area and it was karaoke night! We hung around and watched/listened to some of the people and then I even got the nerve to go up there and sing. I'm always amazed at how good some people are at Karaoke and how bad others are. :) It was a good crowd though and a LOT of fun. We'll definitely be going back there for date night! Oh, and I sang Norah Jones, "Don't Know Why."

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