Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Okay, so this is just ridiculous. I could have sworn my last post was at least some time this year, but nope. Looks like the last one was October 24, 2011. Really????!!!!!!!!

I guess I have to let by-gones be by-gones. Well, as you know by now, these two are the loves of my life. Alex is now nearly 4 1/2 years old and Daniela will be 2 years old in a few weeks. Unbelievable! I know it's a cliche, but time really does fly. This year has been a fantastic and blessed year. We were able to vacation in San Diego for a week courtesy of Keith's job; and I was able to spend 3 weeks in Argentina visiting family with Alex, Daniela and my mom.

Alex completed his first year of Preschool. It's amazing what they teach them. I could not get that kid to count to 10 before starting school and after one week in school, he was counting up to 20! Of course, he's learned a lot more than that throughout the year. What I most love and what his teachers most commented on were his passion and enthusiasm. Although he drives me up a wall at times, the flip side of that is his energy and excitement towards anything he does. His teachers also taught him to be a better team player and person. One note sent home said, "Alex was a gentle and patient friend today. He did a good job using his words." And another said, "Alex helped a frustrated friend put a puzzle together." Sniff, sniff. I am so proud of him. He has grown so much and I can't believe he'll be going into Kindergarten next year. I really cherish him.

Daniela has also grown so much, not just physically, but developmentally as well. I can now definitely say she is bilingual. Keith and I will sometimes speak in English, and she will join in the conversation in Spanish. Or I will speak to her in Spanish and she will respond in English. Their brains are truly amazing.

I absolutely love her personality too. She is so much more like Keith than Alex is. And I am proud to say that she LOVES music. She sings along with mami all the time. The first thing she says when we get into the car is "musica." She loves to dance and runs to join me on piano or guitar whenever I play too.

I know I always end with this, but I will never tire of saying how blessed I am to be their Mom.

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