Monday, October 24, 2011

Look who's talking too!

I am so far behind. I haven't blogged anything about this summer, Daniela's birthday, or our trip to Puerto Rico. But I wanted to at least get Daniela's words in writing before I forget. She is nearly 14 months old and is really talking! Here's a list of her words with her pronunciation.
1. Aach (ouch)
2. Awa (agua)
3. Mama, Dada, Baba, Titi
4. Aex (or something like that for Alex)
5. Papa (Tapa)
6. Sucio (just like that)
7. Gaco (Gato)
8. Ech (leche)
9. I la la (I love you)
10. Tiko, tiko (tickle, tickle)
And she absolutely LOVES music!!! Today, I was vocalizing in the car to a cd track that I have, and she joined right in. Anytime she hears a radio, she runs to it. She also has a little Elmo toy that sings the "Elmo song;" it goes "la, la, la, la," and so does she! I love it!
Both Daniela and Alex are such a blessing to me. I could not imagine life without them. No matter what problems I may be facing, they can bring a smile to my face any time. Thank you for that, Lord.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This is who I am

I love this picture!!! This picture is such a good representation of Daniela's personality. She really is the happiest baby ever. She never complains and hardly ever cries...even when she may be uncomfortable. I feel so blessed being her mommy and I love her so much!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long time

Wow. It has been a while. I noticed how much more I blogged with Alex and felt bad for Daniela. But that's life with 2 kids now. I will try to be better now that I have a laptop. Daniela is now nearly 9 months old! It's incredible how quickly time passes with 2 kids! She's growing up so fast. She is now doing the army crawl and almost has the regular crawl down. She tries to pull herself up and is very active overall. She says "baba, mama, dada," all of which began at about 6 months. As I write, she is actually screaming for my attention, so gotta go for now. More soon with pictures to come.