Friday, June 14, 2013

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Okay, so this is just ridiculous. I could have sworn my last post was at least some time this year, but nope. Looks like the last one was October 24, 2011. Really????!!!!!!!!

I guess I have to let by-gones be by-gones. Well, as you know by now, these two are the loves of my life. Alex is now nearly 4 1/2 years old and Daniela will be 2 years old in a few weeks. Unbelievable! I know it's a cliche, but time really does fly. This year has been a fantastic and blessed year. We were able to vacation in San Diego for a week courtesy of Keith's job; and I was able to spend 3 weeks in Argentina visiting family with Alex, Daniela and my mom.

Alex completed his first year of Preschool. It's amazing what they teach them. I could not get that kid to count to 10 before starting school and after one week in school, he was counting up to 20! Of course, he's learned a lot more than that throughout the year. What I most love and what his teachers most commented on were his passion and enthusiasm. Although he drives me up a wall at times, the flip side of that is his energy and excitement towards anything he does. His teachers also taught him to be a better team player and person. One note sent home said, "Alex was a gentle and patient friend today. He did a good job using his words." And another said, "Alex helped a frustrated friend put a puzzle together." Sniff, sniff. I am so proud of him. He has grown so much and I can't believe he'll be going into Kindergarten next year. I really cherish him.

Daniela has also grown so much, not just physically, but developmentally as well. I can now definitely say she is bilingual. Keith and I will sometimes speak in English, and she will join in the conversation in Spanish. Or I will speak to her in Spanish and she will respond in English. Their brains are truly amazing.

I absolutely love her personality too. She is so much more like Keith than Alex is. And I am proud to say that she LOVES music. She sings along with mami all the time. The first thing she says when we get into the car is "musica." She loves to dance and runs to join me on piano or guitar whenever I play too.

I know I always end with this, but I will never tire of saying how blessed I am to be their Mom.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Look who's talking too!

I am so far behind. I haven't blogged anything about this summer, Daniela's birthday, or our trip to Puerto Rico. But I wanted to at least get Daniela's words in writing before I forget. She is nearly 14 months old and is really talking! Here's a list of her words with her pronunciation.
1. Aach (ouch)
2. Awa (agua)
3. Mama, Dada, Baba, Titi
4. Aex (or something like that for Alex)
5. Papa (Tapa)
6. Sucio (just like that)
7. Gaco (Gato)
8. Ech (leche)
9. I la la (I love you)
10. Tiko, tiko (tickle, tickle)
And she absolutely LOVES music!!! Today, I was vocalizing in the car to a cd track that I have, and she joined right in. Anytime she hears a radio, she runs to it. She also has a little Elmo toy that sings the "Elmo song;" it goes "la, la, la, la," and so does she! I love it!
Both Daniela and Alex are such a blessing to me. I could not imagine life without them. No matter what problems I may be facing, they can bring a smile to my face any time. Thank you for that, Lord.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This is who I am

I love this picture!!! This picture is such a good representation of Daniela's personality. She really is the happiest baby ever. She never complains and hardly ever cries...even when she may be uncomfortable. I feel so blessed being her mommy and I love her so much!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long time

Wow. It has been a while. I noticed how much more I blogged with Alex and felt bad for Daniela. But that's life with 2 kids now. I will try to be better now that I have a laptop. Daniela is now nearly 9 months old! It's incredible how quickly time passes with 2 kids! She's growing up so fast. She is now doing the army crawl and almost has the regular crawl down. She tries to pull herself up and is very active overall. She says "baba, mama, dada," all of which began at about 6 months. As I write, she is actually screaming for my attention, so gotta go for now. More soon with pictures to come.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was a blast! I think maybe I was becoming somewhat of a scrooge at Christmas time, but seeing it all through Alex's eyes this year changed my course. Even as a Christian, I can get so caught up in Chrismas shopping, parties, baking, yada yada...But my children made me stop and breathe; enjoy the present. When Alex and I put the tree up, he was awestruck by the lights and exclaimed "wow." It was nice to step back with him, as we hung the ornaments together, and just enjoy putting up the tree. We enjoyed it so much, I've promised to leave the tree up until the end of January without worrying about taking it down. :)

I wanted to ditch making gingerbread men this year, but my sister Liz convinced me to make them. It has kind of become a tradition. We made them together and Alex and his cousins, Mia and Zach decorated them. It was so nice to see them doing this together. It made all the work worthwhile.

As a family, we also went on a "Journey of Joy." Faith Church in Tinley puts on a reenactment of the different stages of Christmas. Hopefully, next year Alex will understand "suspension of disbelief" and not heckle the actors. :)

Our friend Doug organizes a caroling gig at Holland Home every year, and this was Alex and Daniela's first time coming along. Alex LOVES singing! It was so cute seeing him try to lip sync. My favorite though was how he worked the room. He went around shaking the residents' hands and saying "Merry Christmas." I wish I had that on tape. :)

Keith and I were both involved with the Christmas Eve service at church with him on bass and me in the choir. Alex and Daniela sat through most of the service with my family which was a feat in and of itself. Alex was so proud of his dad, and kept telling his neighbors in the congregation, "Keith's my dad."

We spent Christmas morning with my mom, Barb-Keith's mom, and my sister. We started the day by singing some Christmas carols with Keith on guitar and telling the Christmas story using our nativity set. Alex just couldn't wait for the baby Jesus to make its appearance.

Later, my dad, my brother Ezequiel and his wife Patty and kids joined us for Christmas lunch. It was the first time in over 15 years that we had all spent Christmas together with Dad. Enough said...

Thank You Jesus, for allowing me to step back and see Christmas through Alex's eyes. Thank You for all You have done for us. Thank You for family and for the gifts that You give worth more than any gift money could buy.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How much time do I have?

Daniela Sofia Cordero was born on August 28, 2010 weighing 9 lbs 3 oz, measuring 20.5 inches long. Yes, it has been 10 weeks and some days since her birth date, but it has taken this long for things to settle so I can write about it. And it's 12:21 a.m. She might wake up any minute to eat so I'll write as much as I can. Where to start? She is such a blessing from God! First of all, going from one kids to two has been quite a shocker. I guess shocker is not the right word. We knew it would be difficult, but wow. Thankfully, she was sent straight from heaven and is a little angel. Otherwise, I don't know how I'd cope. :) She is the most smiley baby I've ever seen. She also has this cute, little laugh. I just want to die every time she laughs or smiles! It's enough to brighten up the gloomiest of days. But she is already Daddy's little girl. Only Keith can get her to smile and laugh so readily. Today we went to the doctor and she is already weighing 15 lbs 10 oz! The doctor put her on a diet. j/k...but she did say I should try to stretch out the feedings. It's been nearly 4 hours since her last feeding so the doctor would be proud. She's been sleeping for over 3 hours too! She is the best! Alex has adjusted fairly well. I think he is jealous, but he's only taken it out on his parents and not on her. He is so sweet with her. He's always asking, "Can I hold him? Can I burp him?" We're trying to teach him to say "her." He gets it sometimes. He's so cute. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful kids!